Admin 15. February 2020
Suffering worlds

A rich man opens the newspaper one day. He sees the world is full of troubles.
He says to himself… “I have money, I can help.”
He donated $10 million to a children’s charity. And he gave away all his money…
But it’s not enough… People were still suffering.

One day the man sees another article: “Dozens die daily due to lack of donor organs for transplants…”
Now he thinks it’s foolish to think it’s enough to give money away.
So he goes to doctor and says, “Doctor, I want to donate a kidney.”
The doctors operated on him. The operation succeeded.
He should be comfortable now, but he’s not … because people were still suffering.

So he goes back to the doctor. He says, “Doctor, this time I want to give everything.”
The doctor asks: “What does it mean to give everything?”
He says: “This time I want to donate my liver…but not only my liver. I want to donate my heart, but not only my heart. I want to donate my cornea, but not only my cornea. I want to give everything … everything that I am … everything that I have.”
The doctor says: “A kidney is one thing, but you can’t give up your whole body piece by piece. It’s suicide.” And he sends the man home.

But the man cannot live … knowing that people are suffering and that he could help.
So he gives up the one thing he has left: his life. He suicides himself in his bathtub with a note on the wall: “ORGAN DONOR”.

Now stands on his tombstone: “Here lies Jeremy Hoffstead … who gave everything.”

We live in this world. What do you mean? So he killed himself for nothing?

Only a fool thinks he can solve the world’s problems.

Taken from Fargo (Netflix series 2014, season 1, episode 5: “The Six Ungraspables”)

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