Admin 8. September 2019

When I was a little kid, I admired almost everyone around me. I thought they were all so intelligent. I admired them without understanding what they said. It was enough that someone opened his mouth and said something, or someone was well dressed, I thought they were all ahead of me. It was also true at that time: A child sees all bigger and his knowledge is still small…

Over time, the assumption shrank……

Today for me the question is just: Appearance or being?

Unfortunately, we live in a world full of lies. Everyone makes use of it when he sees a potential for himself. Let’s start from the very beginning: Why does everyone dress so beautifully, why does everyone wear make-up?

The mask to shine on. Even the most beautiful supermodel looks unrecognisably different without makeup.

Many people camouflage their lack of intellect under their persistently used artificial silence.

Let’s look at it from a different perspective:
We take part in a day of the life of a catwalk model. It’s her job to look beautiful, nothing occupies her more than the process of beautifying and staying beautiful. When she then leaves work, then she is her true self, with all her pimples on her face, with high and deep of her personality, with all her depressions (or even joys). It looks totally different. It is no longer an appearance. It is the being, the reality.

I had a professor at university who looked the simplest, although he was the most intellectual of all. He was an honoured, true scientist, a member of a high-ranking scientific commission in the country. He was the most philanthropic of all, he was like a friend to his students who spoke to him by his first name. And he was my favourite professor.

In my last semesters new young professors came: these chicimickis, snobbish, conceited, with needle suits and tie and a bag full of vanity. They just wouldn’t listen to you. I was very happy that I was almost finished.

I have nothing against beauty, man’s eye yearns for beauty. You like watching movies with more beautiful actors, people looking for the most beautiful colors, watching the sunset …
I also have nothing against fashion, I am even a fashion follower to a certain extent.

What bothers me is that in most people the surface gains the upper hand, that superficiality takes possession of all human intellect, so that it is left for nothing. You can feel this emptiness, this absent-mindedness, the meaningless life, each of these people experiences this abyss in silence, even daily, as soon as they are left alone.
But most of them go on, remain superficial, it is like an intoxication in which they breathe and go on living.

Today I admire things that I may have felt horrible as a young child. The things I once admired as a child have sucked themselves from the air like an empty body of dust and disappeared into nothing, they no longer have the power to impress or intimidate me.

The true beauty lies in Origin. The true beauty is maskless!

And this is a rarity – the strongest in our era – Unfortunately.

It took me four decades to get the point.

I will conclude this short post with a well-known quote from Keanu Reeves:

“I dream of a day where I walk down the street and hear people talk about morality, sustainability and philosophy instead of Kardashians.”

By Niki Nazemi

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