The red pill is the title of a documentary filmed by Cassie Jaye about men’s rights movement in the United States and premiered in New York City in 2016. Jaye, herself a feminist, tried to face the MRM in the film, researching the movement’s concerns and interviewing its representatives. In the end, she is no longer as convinced with her initial (feminist) views as she was before the research.
The title was taken on the allusion to the scene of the Sci-Fi classic “The Matrix” in which the character Neo, portrayed by Keanu Reeves, was confronted with the choice of taking the blue pill and thus entering a world in which everything goes well but everything is a lie, or taking the red pill and thus entering a difficult but real world.
The red pill highlights several areas where men and boys are at a disadvantage, such as higher suicide rates, higher death rates at work, discrimination in family courts and adoption laws and lack of support for domestic violence emanating from the spouse. In addition protests by feminists who disrupt or prevent conferences and actions of the men’s rights movement are documented.
Conclusion: Feminism is not necessarily a concern of gender equality, but rather deals with the question of women!
By Niki Nazemi
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