Once upon a time there was a boy named Bobble who lived in a glass bubble since he was born because the doctors concluded that his metabolism system would disintegrate if he lived in direct contact with the atmosphere, so it came to be that the boy had known his world his entire life only through a bubble. The bubble grows up with him, should be replaced every couple of years by a somewhat larger one, because it became narrower and narrower for him. Of course, his life in the bubble caused a lot of trouble for his parents. They were to dedicate the largest room of the house to him and the bubble and to abandon the normal furnishing of the room to make space for the bubble. Over time the parents became experts in bubble design, as they always had to order a new one. The bubble was given a small window through which to supply Bobble with food and books… The effort of his parents to hire him a house-teacher and bring the school to home was worth it. Bobble developed into a funny, lovable, gifted boy. Everyone loved Bobble, even the neighborhood boys queued outside the door to chat with Bobble and enrich themselves with his countless useful ideas. Of course there were disastrous cases through the years of life in a bubble: once in the night, when his parents had already gone to bed, the bubble burst due to the warmth of the lamp that he switched on at night while reading. The parents ran to help and the father should instantly come up with an idea, otherwise Bobble would die. They were to put him in a plastic bubble like a tent for a couple of days until the new bubble was delivered. Since the incident the parents decided that they should always keep a second bubble somewhere to cover an unpredictable occasion…
Under all these conditions and after having many many bubbles now Bobble is a young man in the bubble. He has completed his university degree. (A commission of professors should come to his home and take a seat in a row in front of the bubble. That’s how his final exam took place…)
Bobble evolved into a very talented, eloquent speaker with a gift of the gab which could make you laugh so abruptly, but which could also be very grasping in serious circumstances… One simply could not refrain from him. In spite of the enormous difficulties and transport costs caused by the bubble, he was always wanted for various political, academic and community events to give a lecture in front of the audience.
And then came the day Bobble fell in love with a girl…
And then…
What circumstances his love made under the life in the bubble… And how his life goes on is up to your imagination. For I have already long exceeded the flash fiction 2000 words rule.
By Niki Nazemi