Admin 30. July 2019

It’s been two years since he left. She still hadn’t managed to take the whole bed for herself, and crawls to one side – her side – curled up, always cuddling the little pillow in her arms. She always imagines him lying next to her, although she knows for a fact that it is not true, that the other side of the bed is empty. That has always been so, even two years ago… Honestly, there was never a “he” on the other side of the bed. It’s just a comforting imagination. Sometimes she has to switch sides with the imaginary “he” to keep her mattress in a balanced shape. Often she is ashamed of this behaviour, although nobody is there to observe it, or to read her mind.

Everything she lacks, she can make it with her imagination…

This is not a story of a depressing woman! It is a fact that humans are so built that they pursue a survival strategy in all circumstances in life. Everything a person does has a reason. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Nature is as it is. There is more to think about, how and why human has created such a value through the centuries of evolution and civilization, that one is ashamed of natural reactions in a quite natural situation…

By Niki Nazemi

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